Helper::HtmlProcessor.RemoveBlockTags Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/Helper/HtmlProcessor/RemoveBlockTags Method.xml
Assumes 'pre' rules for spacing, but removes tags from html
Text dictionary tags
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Properties/Miscellaneous/textdictionarytags.xml
Show Text Dictionary tags (...) used in this component.
filter_library_by_tags Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Xbasic/Expression Evaluation Functions/filter_library_by_tags Function.xml
Filter AEX file, using list of tags with +- prefix (+ means only include tags that have one of these, - means exclude tags that include these).
Optimization (PhoneGap-Static HTML)
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/other/Optimization (PhoneGap-Static HTML)/index.xml
optimization properties for PhoneGap static html.
Text dictionary tags
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/TabbedUI/Tabbed UI Properties/Other/textdictionarytags.xml
Show Text Dictionary tags (...) used in this component.
Head section tags
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Properties/Other/Head section tags.xml
Specify any tags you want to appear in the HEAD section of the page that hosts the component.
Helper::HtmlProcessor.ExtractTags Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/Helper/HtmlProcessor/ExtractTags Method.xml
Return only tags in comma separated tagname list.
Charting::Chart GetEnhMetaFileBits Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/Charting/Chart/GetEnhMetaFileBits Method.xml
Text dictionary tags
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Properties/Other/Text dictionary tags.xml
Show and define the Text Dictionary tags (<a5:t>...</a5:t>) used in the component.
PhoneGap - TouchID/FaceID
/documentation/pages/Ref/Action Javascript/Cordova TouchID FaceID.xml
Adds TouchID/FaceID functionality to a mobile app built using Cordova.